Naseyah Dix named to Capital District Sports Women of the Year Class of 2021
SCHENECTADY, NY — Rachel Hunsicker, a senior at Lake George Jr. Sr. High School, has been named as one of the 10 scholastic award recipients for 2020 by the Capital District Sports Women of the Year.
Rachel, who competes in bowling, will be recognized at the first-ever Capital District Sports Women of the Year Awards Gala on May 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the GE Theatre at Proctors in Schenectady. Tickets for the Gala will go on sale on Monday, April 13 at proctors.org and at the Proctors Box Office.
The Capital District Sports Women of the Year (CDSWOY) honors the best and brightest female student athletes from high schools and colleges in the Capital District of New York State. The student-athletes will be recognized for their achievements in academics, athletics and community service. More information is provided at the website, cdswoy.com.
Academically, Rachel has a GPA of 94.53, and is ranked 7th in her class of 84 at Lake George. Athletically, Rachel is the captain of her bowling team and is a Leadership Council Member.
Rachel’s community service includes the Castleton Honors Choir, the Eyes of the World student-led cultural showcase Chairperson, the Being Human Project (a youth planned educational set of sessions for the community on current issues in the county), GLSEN Street Team, True Colors LGBTQ+ Diversity Conference, French Club, Spectrum (GSA Club) President, Yearbook Committee Editor, and Treasurer, Lake Take School Newspaper Editor, Rock Solid Mentoring Program Team Leader, Leadership Retreat for YMCA Camp Chingachgook on Lake George, Class of 2020 Officer Secretary, Astronomy Club, Student to Student Peer Counselor, Senior High Art Club, Senior Select Choir, Cabaret Club and Drama Club.
CDSWOY will announce additional student-athletes March 11 and 12 and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through April 7.
“We have known Rachel for five years. During that time, we have watched her grow into an exceptional young woman who has superseded her goals academically, athletically and personally. As her bowling coaches, we have watched her mentor other teammates and be a responsible captain for her team. She goes above and beyond without any direction when she sees someone needs help.
“Rachel has spear-headed a project at the school called ‘Eyes on the World.” She is a thinker who thinks outside the box. She is involved in many clubs at the school and manages her time well to be part of all of them.
“Rachel is a unique individual. She is a person to be looked at as a role model. She has a compassionate, sensitive, calming nature. We are so proud of Rachel and all her characteristics and know that she will continue to grow beyond her high school and is bound to do great things in her life.”
-Laurie J. Skellie, Teacher Assistant, Assistant Bowling Coach
-Todd Wood, Varsity Bowling Coach